My true confidence and curiosity have come from meaningful work, exploration, and self-love.
I’ve been that girl. The girl who is stuck and scared to move forward but knows there is more out there for me, a world of possibilities waiting.
But first, let me look back.
My journey toward discovering the full me started with a pair of earrings. Yep, it’s pretty simple. I stumbled upon them in a shop while on vacation. A beautifully beaded pair of earrings, with a rainbow of colors, caught my eye. They seemed to speak directly to me, a gift from the universe. When I saw them, I could feel my energy lift. I bought the earrings and wore them for the rest of my trip. As they dangled from my ears, I felt the joy in my heart. I was transported and free. I could make anything happen. New ways of being poured out of me.
As they dangled from my ears, I felt the joy in my heart. I was transported and free. I could make anything happen.
Then I came home and took off my earrings. They sat on my dresser, reminding me of that feeling, that unexplainable aliveness.
These were just earrings, for goodness sake! Why did I need them to unlock that freedom? Why couldn’t I hold that courage and empowerment in my everyday life? The fun, vibrant earrings had no room in my everyday life, I told myself, so I returned to the person I was. I went back to that girl: stuck, safe, consistent. The girl who let herself dream in small doses, only to quickly shut down those thoughts to do what she felt was “right” or expected.
And don’t get me wrong; my life was good, filled with kids, a loving partner, friends, and warmth. But I couldn’t help but wonder: How could I make it better? How could I feel totally alive? What was I capable of? Why did I feel like something was holding me back?
I wanted to feel fullness, purpose, and flow. Rather than look around for approval or permission, I yearned to tap into myself for the answers. (Because the answers are there – they are inside each of us!). So I made a choice. As those earrings did, I allowed myself to play bigger, bolder, stronger. I started to look at my patterns and break the mold. I stepped into a life more aligned with who my heart was calling me to be.
My life today looks much the same on the outside as it did, but I feel different on the inside. I am different. I’ve let go of things that no longer serve me. I’ve raised my vibration. I’ve become clear on how I want to feel and show up for everything. And with all this clarity, the universe has revealed more doors for me to open, chances for me to connect, and opportunities to let the real me shine.
My true confidence and self-love have come from meaningful work and exploration. This journey has been profound and fun, pulling from my hours as a hypnotherapist and a curious life student to bring me to a field of clarity and knowing.
And that is why I can help you see the same.
Together we can work to unlock your blocks. I can show you the tools and methods I used to lift myself out of self-doubt and into true earring-sparkle beauty.